Larry L. Kesmodel
Indiana University
Professor-Condensed Matter (Experimental), Ph.D., University of Texas at Austin, professor, researcher, faculty member of physics and development in Indiana University. Has many publications and on going researches under his guidance and has high experience in the field of physics.
Research Interest
My research addresses current issues in surface science and the electron spectroscopy of surfaces. Recent activity has focused on structural and vibrational analysis of nanometer-scale molecular adsorbates on well-defined surfaces using high resolution electron energy loss.
Recent Studies of Insulating Polymers with High-Resolution Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy, L. L. Kesmodel, J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat. Phenom. 121, 75 (2001).
Adsorption and Bonding of First Layer and Bilayer Terephthalic Acid on the Cu (100) Surface by HREELS, Yan Ge, Hilmar Adler, Arjun Theertham, Larry L. Kesmodel and Steven L. Tait, Langmuir 26, 16325 (2010).
Chemically Homogeneous and Thermally Reversible Oxidation of Epitaxial Graphene, Md. Zakir Hossain et al., Larry L. Kesmodel, Steven L. Tait and Mark C. Hersam , Nature Chemistry 4, 305 (2012).