Valentina Emiliani
Valentina Emiliani: obtained her PhD in Physics at the University ‘La Sapienza’, Rome Italy in 1996 working on the investigation of tunneling effect in asymmetric double quantum wells by ultrafast spectroscopy. From 1997 to 2000 she joined the group of Prof. Thomas Elsaesser at the Max Born Institute of Berlin as a post doc, working on the investigation of carrier transport in single quantum wire by low temperature scanning near field optical microscopy (SNOM). From 2000 to 2002 she was in the laboratory directed by Prof. Marcello Colocci at the European laboratory for nonlinear spectroscopy, Florence Italy. There she worked on the investigation of light propagation in disordered structure by SNOM. From 2002 to 2004 she was at the Institute Jacques Monod, where she was working on the investigating of the role of mechanical forces on the establishment of cell polarity by the use of the optical tweezers technique. In the year 2005 she obtained the price EURYI 2005 and she moved in the Neurophysiology and New Microscopies Laboratory to lead a research team of physicists dedicated to the development of advanced optical technique for neuroscience.
Research Interest