Boujot Corinne
Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain
DOCTOR OF ETHNOLOGY,Research Associate at the Edgar Morin Center Earth and water. At the rate of bleaching in the Cotentin marshes, Caen, Center Regional de Culture Ethnologique et Technique of Lower Normandy, 2003, 88 p. The Venom , Paris, Stock, collection "An order of ideas", 2001, 227 p.
Research Interest
Venoms and poisonous animals: representations and practices of poisons of animal origin, Relations Man / Animal Uses and representations of venomous, Modeling of the domestic body, Relations with unstable environments: marshes.
The discovery" of a new population of vipers in France, " Communications 76 (New Figures of the Wild), Sophie Bobbé (ed.), 2004, pp. 159-179.
Toxic plants: audacities of domestication", in Francis Hallé and Pierre Lieutaghi (eds), The origins of plants , Fayard, vol. 2, 2008, p. 458-485.