Guérin Serge
Institut Interdisciplinaire d'Anthropologie du Contemporain
Professor at the ESG-Management School. Co-Director of the Chair "Entrepreneurship and Sustainable Business" Teacher Master Policies Gerontological, Sciences Po Paris. Collaborator at the University of Liège Sociology of issues related to seniors and the intergenerational Sociology of communication. Co-founder and member of the editorial board of La Revue Civique Member of the reading committee of the management sciences journal Management & Avenir Member of the reading committee of the journal Ecologie & Politique Editor-in-Chief of Reciprocals. Research journal on proximology (support for family and informal caregivers). Director of the Social Innovation Fund (Federation of Esh) President of the MOTif (Observatory of the book industry in Ile de France Vice-President of Uniorpa (National Union of Retirement Offices and Seniors) Member of the Scientific Council of the Francophone Network Friendly Cities of the Elders Member of the Scientific Council of Hlm Les Ajoncs (Vannes) Member of the follow-up council of the approach Friendly city of the elders of Dijon Member of the AISLF (International Association of French-Speaking Sociologists) Member of the Honorary Committee of Great Sponsors . Doctor in communication sciences, Paris III-Sorbonne New for a thesis on "The adaptation of the magazine Notre Temps to the evolution of its readership" (December 1998). Authorization to conduct research (HDR), supported at the University of Cergy-Pontoise, in 2007. Master of Business Administration Paris IX-Dauphine (1988)
Research Interest
SOCIALOGY, Dec 2012 - It is time, Actors of the Economy Chapter: "The representation of the elders must be the object of a revolution", 8 p Sept 2012 - Insights into a 20th century in motion, Ellipses Chapter: "Tomorrow's war of generations or cooperation? ", 14 p March 2011 - For a policy of civilization , Odile Jacob Chapter: "Aging, a chance to rejuvenate public policies", 22p Sept 2010 - Human resources for a way out of the crisis , Presse de Sciences Po Chapter: "Towards a dynamic management of skills throughout life", 18 p. Nov 2009 - Employment of seniors: know how to act. Liaisons Sociales Chapter: "Employment of seniors, from identity to action". 12 p. March 2009 - Working age . Vuibert Chapter: "The interim of seniors". 16 p. Jan. 2009 - All Talented : Talents in HR, Eyrolles Chapter: "Are the representations of the seniors at work, are they talented? ", 12p ..
The Management of Transition , (with G Fournier) Les Echos Etudes, 2007
Social housing in the face of aging. Forms, links, images (Direction) La Documentation Française, 2008.