Jean-marie Lefevre
Engineer, MBA
Maat Pharma
Jean-Marie Lefevre is CEO of Biocodex, a multinational research and development, manufacturing and marketing company, specialised at an International level in the therapeutic domains of gastroenterology, neuropsychiatry and pain treatment. Jean-Marie Lefevre has a long-track record in the function of Chief Executive Officer. Consultant in strategy at the beginning of his career at the Boston Consulting Group in Paris and Chicago, he cofounded Spizza 30, before joining the Bongrain group, where he was appointed CEO of Scandinavian Fish Co and Nutrimer. In 1994, he integrated the LVMH group and joined the PommeryChampagne, where he became CEO. In 2000, he left the Group to develop some entrepreneurial projects. He worked briefly at Aoste Group before rallying Biocodex which, under his leadership, is experiencing a new boom with a workforce growing from 250 to 960 employees.
Research Interest
Therapeutic domains of gastroenterology, neuropsychiatry and pain treatment