
Oncology Experts

Céline Gongora

TEAM Leader
Montpellier Cancer Research Institute


 One of the main causes of cancer treatment failure is the development of drug resistance, the mechanisms of which is pleiotropic by nature and involves multiple pathways that need to be targeted to potentiate tumor response. Our new group, emerging from P. Martineau’s has already demonstrated that the two kinase inhibitors sorafenib and the MAPK14 inhibitor SB202190 can overcome irinotecan resistance, and was the first to identify predictive gene signature in CRC for response to treatment using patients’ samples. Our future research project will focus on identification of new alternative strategies for the optimization of anticancer treatment used in colorectal cancer (CCR) and prostate cancer (PCa). Based on specific molecular signatures obtained from patients and from drug-resistant models we are developing functional approaches either exploratory or focused on specific genes of interest.

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