Lucy P. Allen
Managing Director
Economics and Accounting
At NERA, Ms. Allen directs projects in securities, finance, and the economics of product liability. She has performed valuations of privately-held companies, subsidiaries, and thinly-traded securities, and has assessed liability, materiality, and damages in over 100 securities litigation cases. She has analyzed issues related to subprime lending, ERISA claims, and alleged market manipulation and insider trading including complex financial instruments such as credit derivatives. Ms. Allen is the Chair of the Product Liability and Mass Torts Practice. In the area of tort economics, she has estimated the number and value of claims likely to arise from allegedly defective or harmful products, including asbestos, medical products, and building materials. She has been retained by insurance companies and assureds in matters involving insurance allocation.
Research Interest
Valuations of privately-held companies, subsidiaries, and thinly-traded securities