Gay Olivier
Nightingale Hospital Paris
He is Psychiatrist. Positions he handled: Former chairman of the PEP'S - Association of junior doctors in psychiatry, Paris. Former secretary of the AFFEP - Association Française Federative of the Students in Psychiatry. Member of the AESP - Association for the Teaching of Psychiatric Semiology. Medicine thesis and specialized studies diploma in Psychiatry (2011) on neurodevelopmental aspects in schizophrenic disorders. Award winner at the Faculty of Medicine of Paris, gold medal. Master's in Research in Cognitive Sciences - CogMaster (2010), with financial support from the Academy of Medicine. Doctorand at the Center for Psychiatry and Neurosciences (INSERM U894). Basic training in Motivational Interviewing at the AFDEM - Francophone Association of Motivational Interviewing. Author of articles and chapters in work specializing on schizophrenic and bipolar disorders.
Research Interest