Richard Benarous
Bioinformatics and system biology
Southland Industries
Scientific Director Richard Benarous led the INSERM Unit 529, and the Department of Infectious Diseases of the Cochin Institute (Paris). In molecular virology, he specializes in host-virus interactions in HIV. He discovered several HIV-1 cofactors, including the LEDGF-Integrase partnership by double-hybrid screening. He was a member of the expertise jury for the Marie Curie Fellowships for the European FP6 Framework Program. He also participated in several European projects on HIV and is currently coordinator of the HIVINNOV consortium. He is the founder of three biotechnology companies: Hybrigenics, Cytomics and CellVir. Richard Benarous is the author of more than 115 international publications.
Research Interest
Bioinformatics and system biology