H. Edward Pruitt
Associate Professor
Missions and Evangelism
Truett McConnell University
Dr. H. Edward Pruitt Director of the World Missions Center, Associate Professor of Missions and Evangelism AREA Faculty | School of Theology and Missions | Speaker's Bureau | World Missions Center OFFICE PHONE 706-865-2134, ext. 2400 EMAIL epruitt@truett.edu LOCATION Miller Hall EDUCATION D.Theo., University of South Africa M.Theo., University of South Africa M.Div., Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary B.Th., Florida Baptist Theological College
Research Interest
Anthropology Business as Missions Cross Cultural Studies Geopolitical Issues Concerning Missions
100 Years of Theological Convergence: Edinburgh 1910 to Lausanne 2010,†Create Space Publishing (Amazon), June 2012
The Costly Call Book 2: The Untold Story,†Kregel Publishing, September 2006
The Costly Call: Muslims Who Found Jesus,†Kregel Publishing, March 2005