Thomas Herrmannsdörfer
Head of Department
Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory
Head of Department, Dresden High Magnetic Field Laboratory (HLD), Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf (HZDR) Elected associate of the Scientific Technical Advisory Board of the HZDR Member of the Advisory Board of the 'Physik Journal' Postdoc, Bayreuth University, DFG-Graduiertenkolleg "Materials and phenomena at very low temperatures" PhD work, experimental physics, Bayreuth University "Kernspinordnung und Spinglasverhalten bei ultratiefen Temperaturen"
Research Interest
Magnetic properties, transport and ordering phenomena in complex matter, Superconducting and magnetic material properties of micro- and nanoscale systems, Experimental techniques (e.g. SQUID magnetometry and AC susceptometry) under extreme sample conditions, high magnetic fields and low temperatures, Numerical-based design of pulsed-power supplies, magnets, cryotechnical equipment for research, medical engineering and industrial applications, Project planning of research facilities and technical installations
Papageorgiou TP, Braun HF, Herrmannsdörfer T. Superconducting RuSr 2 GdCu 2 O 8 studied by SQUID magnetometry. Physical Review B. 2002 Sep 12;66(10):104509.
Papageorgiou TP, Herrmannsdörfer T, Dinnebier R, Mai T, Ernst T, Wunschel M, Braun HF. Magnetization anomalies in the superconducting state of RuSr 2 GdCu 2 O 8 and the magnetic study of Sr 2 GdRuO 6. Physica C: Superconductivity. 2002 Sep 1;377(3):383-92.
Tampieri A, Iafisco M, Sandri M, Panseri S, Cunha C, Sprio S, Savini E, Uhlarz M, Herrmannsdörfer T. Magnetic bioinspired hybrid nanostructured collagen–hydroxyapatite scaffolds supporting cell proliferation and tuning regenerative process. ACS applied materials & interfaces. 2014 Sep 12;6(18):15697-707.