
Clinical Sciences Experts

Steve Arlington

Ecron Acunova


Steve Arlington has spent over 35 years in the pharmaceutical industry having begun his career in 1977 at Smith Kline and French; joining the team working on the late stages of the H2 antagonist programme and eventual launch of Tagamet. Steve also worked on an oral gold compound. After SmithKline, Steve joined Unipath, a division of Unilever, where he worked on an antibody programme that saw the launch of the Clear Blue series of pregnancy and fertility tests. Amazingly, these are still market leaders some 25 years after launch. Steve also cloned MAbs for the treatment of cancer and was involved with the HMFG series for ovarian carcinoma. In 1986, Steve switched careers to consultancy and has led and built major pharmaceutical consultancies from very humble beginnings for PA Technology, Coopers and Lybrand, IBM, and latterly PWC. Steve led the future series called Pharma 2005, Pharma 2010, and Pharma 2020; these became must reads for industry executives as they challenged the status quo and predicted future challenges. The papers remain on the net and are still relevant today.

Research Interest

 Cancer Research

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