Daniel Kaiser
Department of Social Sciences
Frankfurt University
Daniel Kaiser has worked since January of 2013 as a Research Fellow on the DFG project “Transnational Escalation Mechanisms of Violent Dissidence” within the Chair for International Organizations at Goethe University (Frankfurt). Daniel is currently working on a case study concerning transnational cooperation and its impact on the (de-)radicalization of anticolonial dissident movements in southern Africa, with a special emphasis on FRELIMO in Mozambique. He holds a Masters Degree in Political Science and worked as student assistant at the Chair of International Relations and Development Studies at the University of Münster. His masters thesis was completed with the help of a travel and research stipend from the DAAD to Salvador de Bahia, Brazil.
Research Interest
Anticolonial resistance Lusophone Africa Postcolonial and Decolonial Studies Development Theory
Kaiser, Daniel: Antikolonialer Widerstand als transnationale soziale Praxis. 2015, in: Engels, Bettina/Müller, Melanie/Öhlschläger, Rainer (Ed.): Soziale Bewegungen in Afrika. Baden-Baden: Nomos. 57-72.
Biene, Janusz, Daniel Kaiser & Holger Marcks: Widerstand im Spiegel von Herrschaft. Eine relationale Typologie terroristischer Gewalt. 2017, in Daase et al. (ed.): Herrschaft in den Internationalen Beziehungen. Wiesbaden: Springer VS, 223-243.
Kaiser, Daniel: ‘Makers of Bonds and Ties’. Transnational Socialisation and National Liberation in Mozambique. 2017, Journal of Southern African Studies, 43 (1), 29-48.