Horst Entorf
Department of Econometrics
Frankfurt University
Horst Entorf is Professor of Econometrics at the University of Frankfurt. He was previously Professor of Empirical Economics and Microeconometrics at Darmstadt University of Technology, and Professor of Econometrics at the University of Würzburg where he also taught Quantitative Economics. He got his university degrees at the University of Bielefeld (Diplom-Volkswirt, 1982) and the University of Mannheim (Dr. rer. pol., 1989, Dr.rer. pol. habil., 1995). Horst Entorf has held previous research and teaching positions at the Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, CREST-INSEE, at Darmstadt University of Technology, CERGE-Prague, the University of the Federal Armed Forces (Munich) and at the University of Mannheim. He was SPES-fellow of the EU (1990-1992) and a fellow of the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (1992-1993).
Research Interest
labor economics. financial markets. Business cycle analysis and the econometrics of crime
Entorf, H., & Kramarz, F. (1997). Does unmeasured ability explain the higher wages of new technology workers?. European Economic Review, 41(8), 1489-1509.
Entorf, H., Gollac, M., & Kramarz, F. (1999). New technologies, wages, and worker selection. Journal of Labor Economics, 17(3), 464-491.
Entorf, H., & Spengler, H. (2000). Socioeconomic and demographic factors of crime in Germany: Evidence from panel data of the German states. International review of law and economics, 20(1), 75-106.
Entorf, H. (2002). Rational Migration Policy Should Tolerate Nonâ€zero Illegal Migration Flows: Lessons from Modelling the Market for Illegal Migration. International Migration, 40(1), 27-43.
Entorf, H. (2012). Expected recidivism among young offenders: Comparing specific deterrence under juvenile and adult criminal law. European Journal of Political Economy, 28(4), 414-429.