Viktor Sarris
Department of Pshycology
Frankfurt University
Viktor Sarris, Professor of Psychology, in particular General Psychology, has been retired since 2005; He was the holder of the Max Wertheimer Chair (1973-2005) at the Institute of Psychology at the Goethe University in Frankfurt am Main. His main fields of work are comparative perception psychology and psychophysics as well as experimental methodology in psychology. He is particularly interested in questions of perceptual and judicial relativity in humans and animals (Sarris, 2006). He has also published extensively on the life and work of Max Wertheimer (1880-1943) in Frankfurt and New York.
Research Interest
Comparative psychophysics, perception psychology, history of psychology
Hauf, P., Prior, H., & Sarris, V. (2008). Generalization gradients and representation modes after absolute and relative discrimination learning in young chickens. Behavioural processes, 78(1), 93-99.
Hauf, P., & Sarris, V. (2008). Twoâ€dimensional psychophysics in chickens and humans: Comparative aspects of perceptual relativity. Japanese Psychological Research, 50(4), 167-182.
Sarris, V. (2007). Relational psychophysics in humans and animals: A comparative-developmental approach. Psychology Press.
Sarris, V. The relational psychophysics paradigm:“Task switch-ing†and data variability in comparative-developmental studies. Fechner Day 2013, 63.
Oyama, T., Agostini, T., Kamada, A., MARKOVIĆ, S., Osaka, E., Sakurai, S., ... & Sarris, V. (2008). Similarities in form symbolism among various languages and geographical regions. Psychologia, 51(3), 170-184.