Miriam Hartlapp
Political and Social Science
Free University of Berlin
Born in Bonn in 1975; 1994-2000 Studies at the University of Osnabrück, Universidad de Complutense Madrid / Spain and Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Poitiers / France, 1998 Maîtrise en Gestion Internationale / Poitiers, 2000 Magister Europäische Studien / Osnabrück 2000-2003 research associate at the Max Planck Institute for Society Research (MPIfG) in the project, New Government and Social Europe? On the theory and practice of minimum harmonization and soft law in the European multilevel system ', 2003 Dissertation, On the implementation of EC law: A comparative study on the implementation and application of EC labor law, with particular reference to France, Belgium, Spain, Portugal and Greece " (University of Osnabrück), subsequently (2003-2004) work at the International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva
Research Interest
The comparison between Germany and France is a part of comparative political science with a focus on politics and policy in Germany and France and its role in the EU. Real problems arising from the interaction of state, economy and society in multi-layer systems function as the starting point of a theory-based comparative analysis. In analytical-conceptual terms, we use actor- and institutional-centric approaches, which can be used as general theorems for different research designs and forms of comparison: the combination of quantitative and qualitative analyzes, the comparison of policies between countries, policy fields and over time as well as mixed methods designs the case studies with a comparison over a mean number of traps (N = 30-90).
Integrating across policy sectors in the EU: How the wider public impacts on the drafting process of trans-border healthcare. International Review of Administrative Sciences, 2019 85(2)