Maria Anita Rampi
Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies
Maria Anita Rampi studied chemistry at the University of Bologna and is Professor of Chemistry at the University of Ferrara, where she teaches Inorganic Chemistry and Chemistry of Nanostructured Materials. (Ii) photoinduced in energy and electron transfer processes in supramolecular systems. (Ii) photochemistry and photophysics of supramolecular systems (ii) photoinduced in energy and electron transfer processes in supramolecular ) electron transfer processes in molecular junctions. For several years she has been a professor at the Max Plank Institute in Goettingen, and presently at Harvard University.
Research Interest
Her current research focuses on A new family of photoswitchable semiconducting organic compounds
V. Cantale, FC Simeone, R. Gambari, MA Rampi , & quot; FTO as Substrate for Gold Plasmonic Nanostructures: Towards Bio-Sensors & quot ;, Sensors and Actuator A, 2010, in press
FC Simeone, MA Rampi , & quot; Test-beds for Molecular Electronics: Metal-Molecules-Metal Junctions Based on Hg Electrodes & quot; CHMIA, 2010, 6 (64): 362-369.
V. Cantale, FC Simeone, R. Gambari, MA Rampi , "Gold nano-islands on FTO as plasmonic nanostructures for biosensors" SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, 2011; 152 (2): 206-213