
Agri and Aquaculture Experts

Chidi Nwoke

Marine Science
HafenCity University


Chidi Nwoke is a recent graduate of Geomatics with a specialization in Hydrography CAT A from the Hafen City University, Hamburg, Germany, where in conjuction with Fugro Survey B.V, he worked extensively on automated seafloor classification from Multibeam backscatter data. He has previous Geomatics engineering degree from the University of Stuttgart, Germany and University of Lagos, Nigeria. He has worked as a surveyor, data processor, design engineer and as a teaching assistant in the past 8 years and recently just concluded a project with Hafen City University on shallow water seismic probes and profile analysis. He has published papers related to his research work on subsurface uplift changes from gravity observations and seafloor classification from backscatter data with the European Association of Geosciences and Engineers, and with the German Hydrographic Society respectively. He currently resides in Hamburg Germany and does part time project work related to hydrography Chidi Nwoke is a recent graduate of Geomatics with a specialization in Hydrography CAT A from the Hafen City University, Hamburg, Germany, where in conjuction with Fugro Survey B.V, he worked extensively on automated seafloor classification from Multibeam backscatter data. He has previous Geomatics engineering degree from the University of Stuttgart, Germany and University of Lagos, Nigeria. He has worked as a surveyor, data processor, design engineer and as a teaching assistant in the past 8 years and recently just concluded a project with Hafen City University on shallow water seismic probes and profile analysis. He has published papers related to his research work on subsurface uplift changes from gravity observations and seafloor classification from backscatter data with the European Association of Geosciences and Engineers, and with the German Hydrographic Society respectively. He currently resides in Hamburg Germany and does part time project work related to hydrography

Research Interest


Global Experts from Germany

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