Markus Viehbeck
Assistant Professor
Buddhist Studies
Heidelberg University
Markus Viehbeck joined the Cluster in October 2010 as Assistant Professor at the Chair of Buddhist Studies. Prior to his post in Heidelberg he was involved in a research project on more recent developments in Tibetan Madhyamaka philosophy conducted at the Institute for South Asian, Tibetan and Buddhist Studies, University of Vienna, where he was also employed as a lecturer. He completed his PhD on the monumental debate between 'Ju Mi pham and Dpa' ris Rab gsal, which he studied in extensive co-operation with Tibetan scholars from various monastic centres in Nepal, India and Tibet, at the same institution.
Research Interest
Markus Viehbeck research interests lie within the field of Tibetan Buddhist philosophy, forms and practices of debate in Indo-Tibetan Buddhism, and, more generally, migration and contention of knowledge. In a new project he studies the Eastern Himalayas, in particular the town of Kalimpong, as a "contact zone" for enabling and shaping the production of knowledge between Tibet and the modern world of the early 20th century.
English summary of Geshe Phuntshog Nyima's article "Gangs can dol po'i chos rig," in Patrick Mc Allister, Cristina Scherrer-Schaub, and Helmut Krasser (eds.), Cultural Flows across the Western Himalaya. Vienna, Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2015: 487-489.
"An Indian Classic in 19th-Century Tibet and beyond: Rdza Dpal sprul and the Dissemination of the Bodhi(sattva)caryÄvatÄra," Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 36 (October 2016), pp. 5-44
"Coming to Terms with Tibet: Scholarly Networks and the Production of the First 'Modern' Tibetan Dictionaries," Revue d’Etudes Tibétaines, no. 37 (special issue Ancient Currents, New Traditions: Papers Presented at the Fourth International Seminar of Young Tibetologists), pp. 469-489