Julia Dobke
Kinder Morgan
Born in 1966. Training as a paediatric nurse, studies in health care education at the Humboldt-University, Berlin, Germany. Since 1986 active in public health inculding 12 years as a paediatric nurse in the Dpt. of Paediatric Oncology/Haematology, Charité Berlin and one year as a study nurse. Since 2003 member of the study centre of the trial ALL-REZ BFM in Berlin. Since 2005 also member of the project "OncoWorkstation" with the following foci: supply and maintenance of the study-protocols for paediatrics, performing training courses in hospitals and supervision of users in paediatrics. Since 2009 editor of the official website of the Dept. of Paediatric Oncology/Haematology, Charité, Berlin.
Research Interest
Pediatric Oncology / Hematology