Professor Med. Faramarz Dehghani
Anatomy and Cell BiologyÂ
Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg
"2012, W2 Professor of Anatomy at the Institute of Anatomy and Cell Biology of the Medical Faculty of the Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg 2009-2012, Research Associate, Institute of Anatomy, University of Leipzig (Director: Prof. Dr. I. Bechmann) 2007, specialist in anatomy 2007, Habilitation for the subject anatomy, Frankfurt am Main: Contributions to the role of microglial cells and astrocytes in neuronal damage 2000, licensed as a doctor 2000, additional title: Medical Informatics 1996-2009, Research Assistant, Institute of Anatomy, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt am Main (Director: Prof. Dr. H.-W. Korf) 1996, American State Exam (USMLE Part1 and Part2) 1996, Ph.D., Frankfurt am Main: Immunohistochemical and clinical findings in gliösen tumors of humans with special consideration of the oligodendroglioma 1994-1995, doctor in the internship, orthopedic clinics, Frankfurt-Höchst (chief physician: Mrs. PD Dr. U. Maronna) 1987-1994, study of human medicine, Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt on May"
Research Interest
"Cannabinoid system and its role in physiological and pathological processes in the central nervous system Cut culture models of human gliomas Role of time and time-dependent factors after neuronal trauma Dual role (protective vs. destructive) of microglia and its time dependence after damage to the CNS Immunosuppressants as potential therapeutics for damage to the central nervous system Mechanoreception of joint associated structures Immunohistochemical characterization of brain tumors"