Dr. Rer. Nat. Habil. Rüdiger Goldhahn
Material Physics
Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg
Studies at the TH Ilmenau, specialized in Electronic Components 1986 Diploma thesis in the field of Hableiterphysik, research prize of the TH Ilmenau 1985-1988 Research studies at the TH Ilmenau 1989 Dissertation (Ph.D.) in the area of ​​semiconductor-depth depth analysis of III-V semiconducting layer structures 1988-1993 Scientific assistant 1993 Prize of the German Academy of Natural Scientists - Leopoldina 1993-1994 Visiting scientist at the Physics Department of the University of Nottingham 1994-2010 Scientific assistant at the Institute of Physics at the Technical University of Ilmenau, head of the laboratories for optical spectroscopy
Research Interest
Optical processes in semiconductors and low-dimensional semiconductor heterostructures based on compound semiconductors Novel materials for electronics, optoelectronics and sensors (nitrides, arsenides, metal oxides) Chalcopyrites and nitrides for photovoltaics Development and application of high resolution spectroscopy methods using synchrotron radiation Spectroscopic ellipsometry from IR to VUV Electro-optical effects Photoluminescence
n Journal of Applied Physics, AIP \ 's Journal of Applied Physics, vol . - Melville, NY: American Inst. Of Physics; Vol. 120.2016, 1, Art. 015703
Many-electron effects on the dielectric function of cubic In 2 O 3 - effective electron mass, band nonparabolicity, band gap renormalization, and Burstein-Moss shift In: Physical review. Woodbury, NY: Inst, Vol. 93.2016, 4
Demchenko, DO; Izyumskaya, N .; Feneberg, Martin; Avrutin, V .; Özgür, Ü .; Goldhahn, Rüdiger; Morkoç, H. Optical properties of the organic-inorganic hybrid perovskite CH3NH3PbI3 - theory and experiment In: Physical review. - Woodbury, NY: Inst, Vol. 94.2016, 7