Somidh Saha
Scientific staff
Research area Sustainability and environment
The Institute for Technology Assessment and Systems Analysis
Education 2000 - 2003 B.Sc. in Zoology (Honours), Presidency College, University of Calcutta, Kolkata, India 2003 - 2005 M.Sc. in Forestry (Management and Economics), Forest Research Institute, Dehradun, India 2008 - 2012 Doctor rerum naturalium (Dr. rer. nat.) in Forestry, University of Freiburg, Germany (DAAD Fellowship) Professional background 2005 - 2008 Forester, Centre-in-Charge, The Bamra Forest Centre, BILT Pulp and Paper (Unit - Sewa), Odisha, India 2013 - 2016 Scientist at University of Freiburg, Germany Since 2017 Scientist at ITAS, KIT, Germany
Research Interest
Challenges in sustainable and multifunctional forest management Trade-offs between climate change adaptation and mitigation strategies Increasing resilience of forests to climate change impacts Meta-analysis and quantitative review in forestry and ecology Synthesis of National Forest Inventory data Stress ecology (e.g. drought) of trees in forests Urban forestry and urban ecology
Sohn, JA.; Saha, S.; Bauhus, J. (2016) Potential of forest thinning to mitigate drought stress: a meta-analysis. Forest Ecology and Management, 380, 261 - 273.
Skiadaresis, S.; Saha, S.; Bauhus, J. (2016) Oak group planting produces a higher number of future crop trees, with better spatial distribution, than row planting. Forests, 7: 289 - 304.
Saha, S.; Kühne, C.; Bauhus, J. (2017) Lessons learned from oak cluster planting trials in central Europe. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 47: 139 - 148.