Shu-ting Li
Infection Immunology
Shu-ting Li finished her bachelor study at the China Pharmaceutical University in Nanjing, China. After an internship at the China Academy of Sciences, where she received an extensive biotechnology training, she performed her master studies on the role of the chemokine CCL8 in the eosinophilc meningitis induced by Angiostrongylus cantonese infection at the Sun Yat-sen University. In 2014, she worked as a Research Assistant at the Pasteur Institute of the University of Hong Kong, to explore the role of TLR10 in the influenza infection. In 2016 she joined the lab of Matthias Lochner at Twincore to perform her PhD studies in the framework of the ZIB PhD program of the MHH. Her work focusses on the role of the cellular fatty acid metabolism in intestinal infection and inflammation.
Research Interest
Infection Immunology