Andreas Grüner
Humanities and Cultural Studies
University of Bamberg
Andreas Grüner is Professor from Department of Humanities and Cultural Studies, University of Bamberg. Grüner is profound in Classical Philology
Research Interest
Spatial design and iconography, in particular under image-scientific, aesthetic and technological questions, Urbanism and sacrificial topography of ancient Rome, Roman, especially imperial, villa and palace architecture, Greek architecture theory, antique sculpture, Landscape archeology in the eastern Mediterranean, Reception of the antique in Renaissance and National Socialism
Beauty and mass production. The aesthetics of Terra Sigillata, in: M. Flecker (eds.), Neue Bilderwelten. On Iconography and Hermeneutics Italian Sigillata (Rahden 2017)
Capri and the system of imperial residences. Habilitation; provided for in the "Image and context" series, De Gruyter, Berlin