Social & Political Sciences

Social & Political Sciences Experts

Eike Henning Michl

Archaeological Sciences, Monument Science and Art History
University of Bamberg


Eike Henning Michl studied archeology of the Middle Ages and modern times, medieval history and building research at the Otto-Friedrich-University of Bamberg. In 2007, he received his master's degree with the work "Burg Rodenberg (Kreis Hersfeld-Rotenburg) - First results on the archaeological history Investigation of 1976 ". From 2007, he was a research associate and lecturer at the Chair of Archeology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Age, working on an archaeological and historical research project of the DFG on the study of medieval settlement structures in a micro-region of Unterfrankens, to which he was awarded a dissertation at the Otto Friedrich University in Bamberg in 2015 "Castellum, Curia, Palatium ?! From autumn 2015 to summer 2017, he was employed as a research assistant at a new DFG project for the evaluation of specially performed excavations in a late medieval, early-modern village devastated subfamily at the Chair of Archeology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. Since October 2017 he is Scientific Director of the Cultural Foundation of Saxony-Anhalt.

Research Interest

Material culture and settlement archeology of the early to late middle ages.


  • E. Michl, Haithabu - early medieval craftsmanship "par excellence". In: B. Scholkmann / H. Kenzler / R. Schreg (Hrsg.), Archeology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. Basic knowledge (Darmstadt 2016) 244.

  • E. Michl, Handicrafts - Remains of handicraft production. In: B. Scholkmann / H. Kenzler / R. Schreg (Hrsg.), Archeology of the Middle Ages and the Modern Age. Basic knowledge (Darmstadt 2016) 238-243.

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