Isabelle Thomas
Humanities and Cultural Studies
University of Bamberg
Degree in Magisterstudiengang History with a focus on economic and innovation history and the minor subjects of political science and communication science.
Research Interest
The statutory pension insurance of the Federal Republic of Germany, Social insurance history in Germany and Europe, Old age insurance in Germany, Social security in democracies and dictatorships, Operating forms in transition, Company History, labor relations, women's work
Wagner-Braun, Margarete / Thomas, Isabelle (2016): Statutory Age Assurance in Germany = System-Aged Altersarmut? Methodical interdisciplinarity as a challenge in economic and innovation history . In: Ruppert, Godehard (eds.): Uni.vers. Blooming variety in the science garden. Why small subjects have a profound meaning for universities. Bamberg, pp. 52-55.
Thomas, Isabelle (2015): " Does age poverty in Germany depend on the system?" A conceptual introduction to the systematic examination of systematic age poverty in statutory pension insurance . In: Hermann, Iris / Eierle, Brigitte / Franz, Ute (Hrsg.): Colloquium 2015. Contributions by Bamberger Young Investigators (Researchers in Bamberg, Bd. Bamberg, pp. 63-82.