
Gastroenterology Experts

Dr. Ahmed Abdel Samie

Medical Director, Consultant Gastroenterology/Hepa
University of Heidelberg in Germany.


 Dr Ahmed Abdel Samie is an internationally-recognized German gastroenterologist with a main focus on diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopy and ultrasound. He is German board-certified (Facharzt) in internal medicine, gastroenterology, infectiology, intensive care medicine, emergency medicine and European board-certified in gastroenterology and hepatology (FEBGH), and is fully licensed to practice medicine in the UAE, UK and Germany.

Research Interest

Dr. Abdel Samie has authored more than 50 papers published in prestigious German and international medical journals, including pioneering research on anticoagulants and antiplatelet therapy in gastrointestinal endoscopy. He sits on the editorial board of several medical journals and serves as an ad hoc reviewer of several other peer-review journals including Langenbeck's Archives of Surgery, European Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, and the International Journal of Gastrointestinal Cancer.


  • After graduating from the University of Heidelberg, Dr Ahmed Abdel Samie earned his Doctor of Medicine at the University of Heidelberg in Germany and completed his residency in Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology at Pforzheim Hospital in Germany.

  • After graduating from the University of Heidelberg, Dr Ahmed Abdel Samie earned his Doctor of Medicine at the University of Heidelberg in Germany and completed his residency in Internal Medicine/Gastroenterology at Pforzheim Hospital in Germany.

  • Dr. Abdel Samie is a frequent guest speaker at international medical conferences, having delivered more than 50 presentations. Dr. Abdel Samie also taught internal medicine at the Pforzheim hospital (University of Heidelberg) and the Baden Württemberg Cooperative State University, both in Germany.

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