
Medicine Experts

Dr. Walter Heindel

Clinical Radiology
University of Munster


1978 - 1984 studied medicine at the University of Erlangen and accepted his license 1985 Doctorate with the title "summa cum laude" 1984 - 1998 Continuing education and qualification in radiology At the Institute for Radiological Diagnostics of the University of Cologne (Director: Prof. Dr. G. Friedmann and Prof. Dr. K. Lackner) 1990 Specialist for radiology 1990 - 1993 Head of the DFG project "Image-controlled, volume-selective MR spectroscopy" 1991 Wilhelm Conrad X-ray Prize 1991 Habilitation for the subject "Clinical Radiology" 1994 Acquisition of the focal point "Neuroradiology" 1997 Hermann Holthusen-Ring Since 1998 C4 professor of radiology at the Faculty of Medicine and Director of the Institute of Clinical Radiology, University of Münster Since 2005 Establishment of the reference center Mammography at the University Hospital Münster 2009 Expansion of the MR center with systems from 1.5 to 9.4 Tesla 2012 Establishment of the Translational Research Imaging Center (TRIC) And the Clinical Trial Center Radiology (CTCR) Since 2012 managing editor of RöFo 2013 Creation of modern infrastructure for percutaneous interventions on all vessel- Territories (Angio Suite) 2016 Establishment of a university professorship for translational radiology Since 2016 member of the ethics committee of the ÄKWL and the WWU Münster

Research Interest

Early disease detection by imaging(Screening - Molecular Imaging - Innovative Imaging Techniques), Minimally invasive image-based treatment procedures


  • Weigel S, Heindel W, Heidrich J, Hense HW, Heidinger O (2016) Digital mammography screening: sensitivity of the programme dependent on breast density. Eur Radiol.

  • Sporns P, Schmidt R, Minnerup J, Dziewas R, Heindel W, et al. (2016) Computed Tomography Perfusion Improves Diagnostic Accuracy in Acute Posterior Circulation Stroke. Cerebrovasc Dis 41: 242-247.

  • Dannlowski U, Kugel H, Grotegerd D, Redlich R, Heindel W, et al. (2016) Disadvantage of Social Sensitivity: Interaction of Oxytocin Receptor Genotype and Child Maltreatment on Brain Structure. Biol Psychiatry 80: 398-405.

  • Minnerup J, Broocks G, Kalkoffen J, Langner S, Heindel W, et al. (2016) Computed tomography-based quantification of lesion water uptake identifies patients within 4.5 hours of stroke onset: A multicenter observational study. Ann Neurol 80: 924-934.

  • Sundermann B, Feder S, Wersching H, Teuber A, Heindel W, et al. (2017) Diagnostic classification of unipolar depression based on resting-state functional connectivity MRI: effects of generalization to a diverse sample. J Neural Transm 124: 589-605.

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