Erwin Ooghe
associate professor
International Distribution and Redistribution
Zentrum fur Europaische Wirtschaftsforschung
Prof. Erwin Ooghe is research associate at ZEW. He works in close cooperation with the research unit "International Distribution and Redistribution".
Research Interest
Ooghe E, Schokkaert E (2016) School accountability: can we reward schools and avoid pupil selection?. Social Choice and Welfare 46: 359-387.
Bosmans K, Lauwers L, Ooghe E (2017) Prioritarian poverty comparisons with cardinal and ordinal attributes. The Scandinavian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.
Bosmans K, Decancq K, Ooghe E (2017) Who’s afraid of aggregating money metrics?. Theoretical Economics, forthcoming.