Kofi Agyarko Ababio
Senior lecturer
Department of Mathematics and Statistics
Kumamoto University
KOFI AGYARKO ABABIO has received his MPhil in Applied Mathematicsfrom KNUST, Ghana in the year 2012. Currently, he is working as Senior Lecturer in Kumasi Technical University in Department of Mathematics and Statistics. His research includes Actuarial Science, Business Mathematics, Quantitative Studies and Statistical Computing. He is the Associate Member of Institute of Mathematics and its Application (IMA), U.K and Fellow – Royal Statistical Society (RSS), U.K.
Research Interest
Actuarial Science Business Mathematics Quantitative Studies Statistical Computing
Kofi A Ababio, Samuel D Oduro. Measuring And Allocating Portfolio Risk Capital In The Real World: Practical Application Of Value-at-Risk And Expected Shortfall. Research Journal of Finance and Accounting. 2012; 3(8).
N Aidoo, Bashiru II Saeed, Kofi A Ababio, Nicholas NN, Nsowah-Nuamah, Munyakazi Louis. Analysis of Long Memory Dynamics in Exchange Rate. The Empirical Economics Letters. 2012 Jul; 11(7).
Kofi A Ababio, Eric N Aidoo, Thomas Korankye, Bashiru II Saeed, Munyakazi Louis, Nicholas NN, Nsowah-Nuamah. Modeling Student’s Satisfaction with Library Services in a Tertiary Institutions: Evidence from Kumasi Polytechnic. Journal of Information and Knowledge Management. 2012; 2(6).
Kofi A Ababio, Maurice Omane-Adjepong, Alexander Boateng, Eric Nimako Aidoo, Sumani Pharikhan, Fuseini A Rashid, Munyakazi Louis, Nicholas NN. Nsowah-Nuamah. Perception of Students towards Tertiary Weekend School in Ghana. Journal of Education and Practice. 2012; 3(12).