Geology & Earth Science

Geology & Earth Science Experts

Dr. Emmanuel Kwesi Nyantakyi

Senior lecturer
Department of Civil Engineering
Kumasi Polytechnic


 Dr. Emmanuel Kwesi Nyantakyi is a Senior Lecturer in the Civil Engineering Department, Faculty of Engineering, Kumasi Technical University, Kumasi. His research areas are Highway and Transportation Engineering, Structural Geology, Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry. He is a member of American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Geological Society of America, Ghana Institution of Geoscientists, Energy Minerals Division and Division of Environmental Geosciences.

Research Interest

 Highway and Transportation Engineering Structural Geology Petroleum Geology and Geochemistry


  • Li Songze, Hu Wangshui, Nyantakyi EK. Application of Petrel Software in Reserve Estimation in Xinli-Xinbei Oilfield, Jilin Province, China. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. 2015.

  • Nyantakyi EK, Hu Wangshui, Nagre RD, Borkloe JK, Li Songze. Geochemical Characterization of Crude Oils from Well ‘X’, Agbada formation, Onshore Nigeria. Arabian Journal of Geosciences. 2015.

  • Nyantakyi EK, Li Tao, Hu Wangshui, Borkloe JK. Geochemical Characterization of Hydrocarbon Generation Potential for Agbada Formation, Benin City Area, Niger Delta, Nigeria. International Journal of Earth Sciences and Engineering. 2015; 8(2):569-577.

  • Owusu PA, Nyantakyi EK, Borkloe JK. Strength Evaluation of Phyllite aggregate as concrete material. International Journal of Engineering Science and Management. 2015; 5(1).

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