Dr. Rogerson Anokye
Senior lecturer
Department of Interior Architecture and Furniture Production
Kumasi Polytechnic
DR. ROGERSON ANOKYE has received his PhD in Wood Science & Tehnology from University of Putra, Malaysia. Currently, he is working as Senior Lecturer in Kumasi Technical University in Department of Interior Architecture and Furniture Production. His research includes Materials Technology, Production Technology. He is Member in Society of Wood Science and Technology (SWST).
Research Interest
Wood Technology
Anokye RES, Edi Suhaimi Bakar, Jegatheswaran Ratnasingam, Adrian Choo, Cheng Yong, Nova Noliza Bakar. The effects of nodes and resin on the mechanical properties of laminated bamboo timber produced from Gigantochloa scortechinii. Construction and Building Materials. 20106; 105:285-290.
Anokye R, ES. Bakar, J Ratnasingam, KB Awang. Bamboo properties and its suitability to be used as a replacement for wood. Pertanika Journal of Scholarly Research Reviews. 2016; 2(1):64-80.