
Veterinary Sciences Experts

Frederick Y. Obese

Senior Lecturer
Department of Animal Science
University of Ghana


Dr. Frederick Yeboah Obese is a Senior Lecturer in Animal Physiology and currently the Head of Department of Animal Science, School of Agriculture, College of Basic and Applied Sciences, University of Ghana, Legon. He obtained his PhD in Animal Science from the University of Melbourne, Australia in 2004. He has 20 years experience as Researcher and Lecturer in research institutions and universities in Australia, USA and Ghana.

Research Interest

His area of expertise is in Animal Nutrition and Physiology. His current research focuses on a) Nutrition-reproduction interactions in livestock b) Reproductive endocrinology and physiology in livestock c) role of neurotransmitters and opioid peptides in regulation of appetite and feed intake in cattle, sheep and laboratory animals d) Use of agro-industrial by-products and crop residues in feeding ruminant livestock e) Animal Biotechnology.


  • Obese, F.Y., Damptey, J.K., Aboagye,G. S., Ayizanga, R.A. Owusu-Ntumy, D. 2012. Relationships between body condition score, milk yield, insulin-like growth factor-I concentration and resumption of ovarian activity in beef cows. Bulletin of Animal Health and Production in Africa 60: 445-452.

  • Obese, F.Y., Acheampong, D.A. and Darfour-Oduro, K.A. 2013. Growth and reproductive traits of Friesian x Sanga crossbred cattle in the Accra Plains of Ghana. African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development 13: 7357-7371.

  • Damptey, J.K., Obese, F.Y., Aboagye, G.S., Ayim- Akonor, M and Ayizanga, R.A. 2014. Blood metabolite concentrations and postpartum resumption of ovarian cyclicity in Sanga cows. South African Journal of Animal Science 44:10-17.

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