Raphael A. Ayizanga
Assistant Lecturer
Department of Animal Science
University of Ghana
Raphael A. Ayizanga is currently working as a Assistant Lecturer in Department of Animal Science, University of Ghana.
Research Interest
His current research focuses on characterization and conservation of indigenous animal genetic resources, particularly the Ashanti Black pig of Ghana.
A. Guinguina, R. A. Ayizanga and G. S. Aboagye (2011). A preliminary study on reproductive traits of Friesian/Sanga crossbreds at the Amrahia Dairy Farm. Proceedings of the 17th Biennial Conference of the Ghana Society of Animal Production held at the University of Ghana from July 20 - 22, 2011.
R. A. Ayizanga, R. Osei-Amponsah, K. A. Darfour-Oduro, G. S. Aboagye and B. K. Ahunu. Growth performance and genetic parameter estimates of the West African Dwarf goat at Kintampo. Submitted to the Tropical Animal Health and Production Journal (Manuscript no. TROP-2822) is currently under review.