Karl Stampfer
Forest- and Soil Sciences
University of Natural Resources
2013 - First international honorary member of the Academy of Forestry Sciences, Zagreb honory member 2013 - Board of Trustees "Klagenfurter Holzmesse" advisor 2012 - Programmkomitee-Kongress INTERFORST München expert \2010 - AAER - Austrian Association for Agricultural Research advisory board member
Research Interest
(2016): Bewertung von Maßnahmen zur Effizienzsteigerung und Qualitätssicherung der Holzproduktion in Waldschutzgebieten - Demonstration am Beispiel der Quellenschutzwälder der Gemeinde Wien.
Holzleitner F, Stampfer K, Visser R. Utilization rates and cost factors in timber harvesting based on long-term machine data. Croatian Journal of Forest Engineering. 2011 Sep 15;32(2):501-8.
Holzleitner F, Kanzian C, Stampfer K. Analyzing time and fuel consumption in road transport of round wood with an onboard fleet manager. European Journal of Forest Research. 2011 Mar 1;130(2):293-301.
Stampfer K. Influence of terrain conditions and thinning regimes on productivity of a track-based steep slope harvester. InProc. of the International Mountain Logging and 10th Pacific Northwest Skyline Symp 1999 Mar 28 (Vol. 20).
Kanzian C, Holzleitner F, Stampfer K, Ashton S. Regional energy wood logistics–optimizing local fuel supply. Silva Fennica. 2009 Jan 1;43(1):113-28.