
Social & Political Sciences Experts

Irish Rowland

applied mathematics
Mechanical Engineering
Atlanta Veterinary Eye Clinic


Alexander G. Ramm is the author of 660 research papers and 13 monographs in analysis, applied mathematics, theoretical numerical analysis, ill-posed and inverse problems, and mathematical physics. He has given many lectures at various Universities throughout the world. He has several professional honors: Distinguished Visiting Professorships in UK, Mexico, Egypt, Mercator Professorship, Plenary talks at many Conferences, Khwarizmi International award. He is a member of editorial boards in many professional Journals. His main fields of expertise are: spectral and scattering theory, inverse and ill-posed problems, theoretical numerical mathematics, tomography, random fields estimation, wave scattering by many small particles and creating materials with a desired refraction coefficient.

Research Interest

•Differential and integral equations •Operator theory, ill-posed and inverse problems •Mathematical Physics ( scattering theory, inverse scattering, wave propagation) •Functional analysis and spectral theory •Applied mathematics •Theoretical numerical analysis •Theoretical electrical engineering, signal estimation, tomography

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