Dr Cheng Chin Kuo
Under the supervision of professors Wei-Yuan Chou and Gu-Gang Chang (Institute of Life Science, National Defense Medical Center), my graduate work focused on studying structure and function of malic enzyme. In addition, I also worked under Prof. Hanna Yuan at Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia sinica solving the crystallographic structure of malic enzyme. After receiving my PhD degree in 2001, instead of military service I joined Prof. Shu-Mei Linag’s lab at Institute of Bio Agricultural Sciences, Academia Since as a postdoctoral fellow. I was interested in investigating the molecular mechanism of Toll-like receptor signaling in macrophage. In 2007, I was recruited by President Kenneth Wu to join the Cardiovascular and Blood Medical Research Center as Assistant Investigator at NHRI. Following reorganization in 2008, the center became a part of the now Institute of Cellular and System Medicine. In 2013, I got promotion to Associate Investigator. My current research goal is to understand the pathophysiological role of TLR signaling in chronic inflammatory disease, identify and characterize novel metabolites associated with inflammatory diseases and microenvironment.
Research Interest
Metabolomics, inflammatory diseases, atherosclerosis, tumor-associated macrophage, tumor microenvironment