Abena Lai
Internal Medicine
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Dr. Ke-Fang Lai is Professor of Internal Medicine, First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Medical University, he is director of Clinical Research Department, Guangzhou Institute of Respiratory Disease, PI, State Key Lab. of Respiratory Disease. He serves as vice director of Asthma Group, Chinese Thoracic Society. Dr. Ke-Fang Lai is the founder and chairman of China Cough Forum, First International Cough Conference (2013). Dr. Ke-Fang Lai is head of Chinese Cough Guidelines Expert Panel, a member of ACCP Expert Cough Panel. He is currently on Editorial Boards of Chin Asthma J, Chin J Lung Dis, Int J Respir Dis, Chin Clinic Doctor J, J Chin Respir Crit Care, peer-reviewer of numerous journals.
Research Interest
Lung, and Respiratory Physiology in Health and Disease Airway Smooth Muscle, Epithelium, Innervation Calcium, Contractility and Remodeling Cell Signaling Asthma and COPD Sex Differences and Sex Steroids signaling