
Food & Nutrition Experts

Dedoussis G

Department of Dietetics and Nutrition
Harokopio Panepistimio


George Dedoussis is a Professor of Human Biology at the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition of Harokopio University in Athens. He received his BSc in Biology from the University of Patras, his master's degree from the University of Technology «Compiegne» in France, and his PhD from the Medical School of Athens. He worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center of Thalassemia and as a researcher on a Fulbright scholarship at the Medical Faculty of the 'Harvard University' (Boston, USA). He has been a visiting professor for many years at the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nancy, France. As a Principal Investigator he has coordinated a large number of research projects mainly in the field of Molecular Genetics of cardio metabolic phenotypes and their interaction with dietary intake. He has supervised five PhD students that have been completed, while supervising five doctoral students whose dissertations are in progress. He has published more than 170 papers in journals with high impact factor and his research work has been recognized by others (number of citations > 6000). He is teaching Biology of the Cell at the first semester and Molecular Genetics at the sixth semester. He is the Institutional Coordinator of the Erasmus program and since 2012 is a member of the University council. George Dedoussis is a Professor of Human Biology at the Department of Dietetics and Nutrition of Harokopio University in Athens. He received his BSc in Biology from the University of Patras, his master's degree from the University of Technology «Compiegne» in France, and his PhD from the Medical School of Athens. He worked as a Postdoctoral Fellow at the Center of Thalassemia and as a researcher on a Fulbright scholarship at the Medical Faculty of the 'Harvard University' (Boston, USA). He has been a visiting professor for many years at the School of Pharmacy at the University of Nancy, France. As a Principal Investigator he has coordinated a large number of research projects mainly in the field of Molecular Genetics of cardio metabolic phenotypes and their interaction with dietary intake. He has supervised five PhD students that have been completed, while supervising five doctoral students whose dissertations are in progress. He has published more than 170 papers in journals with high impact factor and his research work has been recognized by others (number of citations > 6000). He is teaching Biology of the Cell at the first semester and Molecular Genetics at the sixth semester. He is the Institutional Coordinator of the Erasmus program and since 2012 is a member of the University council.

Research Interest

genetics, obesity, metabolic, nutrition, cardiovascular, Type 2 diabetes

Global Experts from Greece

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