
Physics Experts

Dr. Kambezidis Harry

Research Director
Institute for Environmental research and Sustainable


Research Director, Ph.D. in Atmospheric Physics (National & Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece, 1988), M.Sc. and M.Phil. in Microwave Communications Engineering (University of Leeds, UK, 1976, 1979), B.Sc. in Physics (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece, 1974), B.Eng. in Electrical Engineering (University of Patras, Greece, 1984). Research interests and expertise in: solar radiation/energy, daylight, atmospheric turbidity, atmospheric aerosols, atmospheric pollution, corrosion of materials due to atmospheric factors, meteorology, climatology & climate change. More than 330 publications in national & international scientific journals and conferences. Participation in/coordination of more than 50 projects. Regular reviewer in 46 international scientific journals. Teaching experience by lecturing at Universities in the fields of environmental meteorology, solar energy and daylight. Founder & Head of the Atmospheric Research Team. Extensive administrative experience. Responsible scientists for the Actinometric Station at Thission. DAAD grant holder (1992).

Research Interest

Atmospheric physics 1. atmospheric optics, 2. spectral influence of atmospheric constituents and aerosols on solar radiation transmission through the earth’s atmosphere, 3. atmospsheric turbidity


  • . Kambezidis H.D., Kaskaoutis D.G., Kharol S.K., Krishna Moorthy K., Satheesh S.K., Kalapureddy M.C.R., Badarinath K.V.S., Sharma A.R. and Wild M.Multi-decadal variation of the net downward shortwave radiation over south Asia: the solar dimming effect. Atmospheric Environment 50, 360-372, doi:10.1016/j.atmosenv.2011.11.008.

  • Kambezidis H.D. and Kalliampakos G.Mapping atmospheric corrosion on modern materials in the Greater Athens Area. Water, Air, and Soil Pollution 224 (3), 1463-1475, doi:10.1007/s11270-013-1463-y.

  • Papanastasiou D.K., Melas D. and Kambezidis H.D.Heat waves characteristics and their relation to air quality in Athens. Global Nest Journal.

  • Papanastasiou D.K., Melas D., Kambezidis H.D. Air quality and thermal comfort levels under extreme hot weather. Atmospheric Research. M

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