Ahmed Zidan
Department of Pharmaceutics and Industrial Pharmacy
The Johns Hopkins University
Ahmed S Zidan Ph.D., is a visiting associate at division of product quality and research,OPQ (CDER), United States Food and Drug Administration, Silver Spring, MD (USA). Dr Zidan also is affiliated as an Associate Professor of pharmaceutics and industrial pharmacy, faculty of pharmacy at Zagazig University, Zagazig, Egypt. Prior to joining king abdulaziz university in 2012 till 2015, Dr. Zidan was a postdoc fellow at division of product quality research in the center for Drug Evaluation and Research (CDER) in FDA, USA. He has earned his Ph.D. Degree in pharmaceutics from the zagazig university, faculty of pharmacy in 2007 through a scientific mission at school of pharmacy, Howard University, Washington DC, USA. He has published over 46 peer reviewed manuscripts, two book chapters, and has been invited to give different presentations locally and internationally. Dr. Zidan’s research focuses primarily in the area drug formulations, design and development of challenging vectors for drug delivery.it encompasses pediatric dosage forms, nanoparticles, modified release dosage forms, particulate engineering, and scientific underpinnings of quality by design utilizing novel process analytical technologies. As a coordinator of graduate studies and research at the faculty of pharmacy at king abdulaziz university, Dr. Zidan serves as the faculty advisor on all matters related to planning and conducting research to study the impact on product quality, changes in bulk drug substances, formulation component and composition and manufacturing equipment and processes. As a recognized expert, Dr.Zidan also participates as an editorial board member and reviewer in different international leading journals.
Research Interest
Nanotechnology. Quality by Design. Pharmaceutical Process Analytical Technology. Drug Delivery Systems. Dosage Forms Formulation and Characterization.