Xiangfei Cheng Zung
Universal Health Services, Inc.
Dr. Xiangfei Cheng earned M.D in China in 1983 and Ph.D. in Sweden in 1995. He completed his postdoctoral work at Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA in 1996. He is an Instructor in University of Maryland School of Medicine.
Research Interest
Immunology of Heart Transplant: a). Allograft: Protection of Rejection in Cellular and molecular Level b). Xenograft: Analysis of Coagulation and Explore Treatment to Improve Balance of Coagulation and Fibrinolysis 2. Stem Cell Expansion, Differentiation and Engraftment; Gene Therapy of Cancer. 3. Regulation of Surface Proteinase and Signal Transduction of Serpin-Proteinase Complex by LRP (a member of LDL Receptor Family). 4.a) Study on tPA interaction with receptor on the endothelial cells membrane and purify the tPA receptor from endothelial cells membrane. b) Study on relationship between structure and function of tPA 5. Constitute of cDNA Library with Phage λgt11 and Expression of Sperm Membrane Protein from Recombinant DNA