Food & Nutrition

Food & Nutrition Experts

P. Kandylis

Food Science
University of patras


Panagiotis Kandylis received his BSc in Chemistry (2003), his degree in Oenology (2010), his PhD (2009) degree in Chemistry from University of Patras and his MSc in Food Biotechnology (2005) from the University of Ulster, U.K. He is a researcher and part-time lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at University of Patras. He has published more than 13 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, 2 chapters in scientific books and has presented results (lectures, posters) in more than 12 international conferences. He is serving as an editorial board member of peer-reviewed international journals “Fermentation Technology” and “Food Research International”. Panagiotis Kandylis received his BSc in Chemistry (2003), his degree in Oenology (2010), his PhD (2009) degree in Chemistry from University of Patras and his MSc in Food Biotechnology (2005) from the University of Ulster, U.K. He is a researcher and part-time lecturer in the Department of Chemistry at University of Patras. He has published more than 13 papers in peer-reviewed international journals, 2 chapters in scientific books and has presented results (lectures, posters) in more than 12 international conferences. He is serving as an editorial board member of peer-reviewed international journals “Fermentation Technology” and “Food Research International”.

Research Interest

Food Biotechnology

Global Experts from Greece

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