Wagner, Michelle
Research Associate
United Nations University
Mrs Wagner is a Research Associate in the Sustainable Cycles Programme (SCYCLE) hosted by the Vice-Rectorate in Europe (ViE). Michelle is currently working in Prospecting Secondary Raw Materials in the Urban Mine and Mining Waste (PROSUM). PROSUM directly supports the European Innovation Partnership (EIP) on Raw Materials. The project will construct a comprehensive inventory identifying and mapping CRM stocks and flows at national and regional levels across Europe and enable interdisciplinary collaboration, improving dissemination of knowledge and support policy dialogues. In 2007 Mrs Wagner became an Environmental Engineer, for her thesis she evaluated the energy generation and assessed the hazardousness of the sewage sludge from a UASB waste water treatment plant in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. From 2007-2009, she worked as an environmental analyst for the Honduran Ministry of Energy, Natural Resources, Environment and Mines. As part of the management team of the department of Evaluation and Auditing she performed environmental feasibility assessments, elaborated terms of reference for environmental impact assessments, developed and audited environmental mitigation measures, conducted on-site project inspections for issuing environmental licenses and collaborated with other departments of the ministry (i.e. Department of Climate Change) in order to promote environmental policies. In 2009, Mrs Wagner was granted a scholarship to study a Master in material science and sensor systems applied for environmental technologies at UPV, Valencia and KTH, Stockholm. As part of her thesis in 2012, she did research on Waste Electric and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) in order to evaluate the possibility of making a new polymeric blend from WEEE material and evaluated the feasibility of its reintroduction to the market as a recycled material, by using state of the art characterization methods. In 2014 Mrs Wagner worked for FLOCERT where she assisted in the calculation of the company’s carbon footprint and elaborated a reduction and improvement plans to decrease the company’s carbon footprint.
Research Interest
Climate Change Environmental impact assessment Environmental technology