
Business & Management Experts

Wang James Jixian

Management Science
City University of Hong Kong
Hong Kong


Dr. James Jixian WANG is visiting associate professor of Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong. Born in Beijing, he received his Bachelor in Economics from the People's University of China, M.Phil from the University of Hong Kong, and Ph.D. from University of Toronto. Currently he is a member of IGU Transport & Geography Commission Steering Committee, council member of Hong Kong Society for Transport Studies, and Fellow of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT-HK). Prior to CityU, Dr. Wang worked at Department of Geography, University of Hong Kong for 24 years as special in Transport Geography, with research focus in port development and port-city relations, and public transport in China. He has published widely in many internationally refereed journals and is editorial board member of Journal of Transport Geography, Transportmetrica A, Transportmetrica B, Transport and Society, Asian Geographer. He is chief editor of Ports, Cities, and Global Supply Chains published by Ashgate in 2007, and “Port-City Interplays in China” by Ashgate (2014) is his latest publication. As a portcity specialist, Dr. Wang has participated in port-city planning projects and strategic studies for more than 30 Chinese and other Asian port cities and regions. His recent research interests include also the impacts of high-speed train and airport on cities, the logistics geography of e-commerce, and the global consumption network (GCN). He is advisor of various committees on transport or port area development for port city governments in China, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong. Dr. James Jixian WANG is visiting associate professor of Department of Management Sciences, City University of Hong Kong. Born in Beijing, he received his Bachelor in Economics from the People's University of China, M.Phil from the University of Hong Kong, and Ph.D. from University of Toronto. Currently he is a member of IGU Transport & Geography Commission Steering Committee, council member of Hong Kong Society for Transport Studies, and Fellow of Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport (FCILT-HK). Prior to CityU, Dr. Wang worked at Department of Geography, University of Hong Kong for 24 years as special in Transport Geography, with research focus in port development and port-city relations, and public transport in China. He has published widely in many internationally refereed journals and is editorial board member of Journal of Transport Geography, Transportmetrica A, Transportmetrica B, Transport and Society, Asian Geographer. He is chief editor of Ports, Cities, and Global Supply Chains published by Ashgate in 2007, and “Port-City Interplays in China” by Ashgate (2014) is his latest publication. As a portcity specialist, Dr. Wang has participated in port-city planning projects and strategic studies for more than 30 Chinese and other Asian port cities and regions. His recent research interests include also the impacts of high-speed train and airport on cities, the logistics geography of e-commerce, and the global consumption network (GCN). He is advisor of various committees on transport or port area development for port city governments in China, including Guangzhou, Shanghai, Shenzhen and Hong Kong.

Research Interest

Operations Management

Global Experts from Hong Kong

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