Bernard Swithern
Associate Dentolegal Adviser
Dental Protection
Hong Kong
Bernard graduated in 1968 from Sheffield University. He has had extensive experience of practice ownership and Vocational Training. He is a past Chairman of the National Association of Dental Practice Advisers and has been a Director of the South East Thames Division of the Faculty of General Dental Practice. His current activities include the position of Dental Practice Adviser to Brighton & Hove City Primary Care Trust. Bernard was appointed as an Associate Dentolegal Adviser in 2009. Bernard graduated in 1968 from Sheffield University. He has had extensive experience of practice ownership and Vocational Training. He is a past Chairman of the National Association of Dental Practice Advisers and has been a Director of the South East Thames Division of the Faculty of General Dental Practice. His current activities include the position of Dental Practice Adviser to Brighton & Hove City Primary Care Trust. Bernard was appointed as an Associate Dentolegal Adviser in 2009.
Research Interest
Dental implants, Dentists, Dentistry