
Dentistry Experts

Martin Valt

Associate Dentolegal Adviser
Dental Protection
Hong Kong


Andy is a Specialist in Periodontics. He graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2005. After completing his vocational training he spent two years as an SHO in the Maxillofacial Department at York District Hospital. Following this, he moved back to Sheffield to undertake a part-time specialist training programme in periodontology. During his training Andy also worked in NHS general practice and at an access centre. Having completed his training he relocated to Manchester and worked in a referral practice, private general practice and as a specialty dentist at Liverpool Dental Hospital. He now continues to work in specialist referral practice and as a clinical tutor at The University of Liverpool Dental School. Andy is a Specialist in Periodontics. He graduated from the University of Sheffield in 2005. After completing his vocational training he spent two years as an SHO in the Maxillofacial Department at York District Hospital. Following this, he moved back to Sheffield to undertake a part-time specialist training programme in periodontology. During his training Andy also worked in NHS general practice and at an access centre. Having completed his training he relocated to Manchester and worked in a referral practice, private general practice and as a specialty dentist at Liverpool Dental Hospital. He now continues to work in specialist referral practice and as a clinical tutor at The University of Liverpool Dental School.

Research Interest

Dental implants, Dentists, Dentistry  

Global Experts from Hong Kong

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