
Dentistry Experts

Nancy Boodhoo

International Dentolegal Adviser
Dental Protection
Hong Kong


  Nancy qualified at the Royal Dental Hospital in London and obtained her Fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. She pursued a career in oral surgery and restorative dentistry at the Royal Dental, St George’s and the Eastman Dental Hospital, before spending time with British Airways as part of its dental team. Nancy now practises part-time in Guildford, Surrey, and lectures extensively in the Caribbean on both medicolegal and dentolegal subjects. She also works closely with the medical and dental schools at the University of the West Indies. Nancy originally joined as a Dentolegal Adviser and is now Head of Operations for Bermuda and the Caribbean for both medical and dental matters.   Nancy qualified at the Royal Dental Hospital in London and obtained her Fellowship in Dental Surgery from the Royal College of Surgeons in Edinburgh. She pursued a career in oral surgery and restorative dentistry at the Royal Dental, St George’s and the Eastman Dental Hospital, before spending time with British Airways as part of its dental team. Nancy now practises part-time in Guildford, Surrey, and lectures extensively in the Caribbean on both medicolegal and dentolegal subjects. She also works closely with the medical and dental schools at the University of the West Indies. Nancy originally joined as a Dentolegal Adviser and is now Head of Operations for Bermuda and the Caribbean for both medical and dental matters.

Research Interest

Dental implants, Dentists, Dentistry  

Global Experts from Hong Kong

Global Experts in Subject

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