Diana Ãœrge-vorsatz
Environmental Science and Policy
Central European University
Diana Ürge-Vorsatz is currentyly a Professor in the department of Environmental Science and Policy, Central European University, Hungary. She completed Master of Science, Physics, 1986-92 (specialization: Astrophysics; later Environmental Physics) Eötvös Lóránd University of Sciences (ELTE), Budapest, Postgraduate Program in Environmental Sciences Central European University (CEU), June-August 1992 and Doctorate in Environmental Science and Engineering 1992-1996 University of California, Los Angeles and Berkeley Fulbright Scholar, 1993-96 University of California, Berkeley: Energy and Resources Group.
Research Interest
Employment Impacts of a Large-scale Deep Building Energy Retrofit Programme in Hungary, Energy Efficiency Governance, Post-Lisbon Strategy: the climate and energy policy area, Global Energy Assessment: Energy-Efficient Building Modelling Scenarios, Confronting Climate Change: Avoiding the Unmanageable and Managing the Unavoidable, Energy efficient lighting, IPCC Outreach event "Climate Change 2007: Implications for Hungary" Key Insights from the IPCC's Fourth assessment Report, The impact of structural changes in the energy sector of CEE countries on the creation of a sustainable energy path, Fuel poverty in Hungary, IPCC Special Report on Renewable Energy Sources and Climate Change Mitigation, Possibilities for international financial support for environmental remediation projects in Hungary in the light of the EU accession and integration and the accelerated implementation of the Hungarian National Environmental Remediation Plan (OKKP), Green Investment Schemes: Maximizing their benefits for climate and society Carbon dioxide mitigation potential in the Hungarian tertiary sector Global Energy Assessment, Assessment of policy instruments for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings Carbon dioxide mitigation potential in the Hungarian residential sector, Designing options for Green Investment Schemes in Hungary, Residential Monitoring to Decrease Energy Use and Carbon Emissions in Europe (REMODECE) European Efficient Residential Lighting Initiative (EnERLIn), Monitoring Electricity Consumption in the Tertiary Sector (EL-TERTIARY), EuroWhiteCert: Stepwise Towards Effective European Energy Efficiency Policy Portfolios Involving White Certificates, Preparation of the Fourth Assessment Report on Climate Change 2007 of the Nobel Peace Prize-winning Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change . Chapter 6: Mitigation options in residential and commercial buildings, Background study for the preparation of the long-term greenhouse gas mitigation strategy of Hungary, The 4C Electricity Project.
Cabeza LF, Ãœrge-Vorsatz D, McNiel M, Barrenechea C, Serranoa S. Investigating greenhouse challenge from growing trends of electricity consumption through home appliances in buildings. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2014;36(August):188-93.
Ürge-Vorsatz D, Reith A, Korytárová K, Egyed M, Dollenstein J. MONETARY BENEFITS OF AMBITIOUS BUILDING ENERGY POLICIES. Network GBP, editor. Budapest, Paris: ABUD (Advanced Building and Urban Design) for the Global Building Performance Network (GBPN)Global Buildings Performance Network; 2015.
Ãœrge-Vorsatz D, Gomez-Echeverri L, Clair AL, Jones F, Graham P. Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable, and modern energy for all. International Council for Science, International Council for Social Science, editor. Paris: International Council for Science; 2015.